Monday, April 6, 2009

4th Grade Racks up More 4-H County Winners!

After having students compete and win in both the 4-H County Poster and Speech Competitions, fourth grade Bodine students show they have what it takes to compete in several other 4-H County Competitions.
Demonstrating unstoppable wrestling moves, Matthew D. was awarded 3rd place in the 4-H County Demonstration Competition.
In the 4-H County Piggy Bank Competition, Ruffin W. and Carter W. showed their artistic side. Ruffin created an “Alien Pig” using a Clorox bottle, black card stock, and bright green duct tape and was proudly awarded 2nd place. Carter W. received 3rd place for his “deer pig” which he created using a milk container, fake fur, pipe cleaners, and other extras.
In the 4-H County Photography Contest, Harris H. won 3rd place for capturing some truly remarkable images. Way to go, fourth grade 4-H members!!!